Crock-Pot Fermenting Yogurt From Probiotic Capsules

Crock-Pot Fermenting Yogurt From Probiotic Capsules   Back when I was having my teeth done. The dentist had me on clindamycin. I made sure to take probiotics during for 2 months after treatment. So my gut would be colonized with the right kind of bacteria to knock down the chance of me getting C-Diff. Now I store probiotics with all my meds both live cultures and the other kind. I…


Beware Fake Civilian MRE’s

These were not even close to military spec. In fact probably expired when I got them. I bought them a long time ago. They were supposed to be Military M.R.E. With heaters. if they were sold as camping or some other kind of M.R.E. then that would be ok. But they said 100% military issue. I think they were expired M.R.E.’s and repackaged then sold as new.


Emp Protection.

This is a 4 part video series for what I think is a great Emp , Lighting etc suppressor. Its cheap but can on,yu take one really big hit. lesser hits are ok but a bit one will destroy itself and save your equipment. Thats why its in a metal; box. Part 1 of 4   Part 2 Part 3 Part 4   E.M.P. –Lighting — Solar storm — Solar…


Earthbag Homes: The Ultimate Bullet-Proof Retreat… Cheap And Easy To Build!

I think this is what i’m going to do if I ever get some land. I have looked into this before but with a few friends I could be done quick and chapley. Or if you just had some time you could do it on your own. I suggest you see the page it comes from and read all the info. Source: And this page


Refugee Bags: A Controversial Topic   Refugee Bags: A Controversial Topic. “Why is the default thought that I should give my hard earned prepps away?” So what’s the problem (other than room, I guess) with stocking up when with packages that can be handed out in a crisis for what you paid? So long as you weren’t profiteering. for three to five dollars, you could have a pretty useful short term survival handout for…