Great for a quick fix. I just wanted to share something I learned.
Duct tape to close wounds

I think this is a much better idea then crazy glue. But For a improvised stitch I think it would work well unless you are allergenic to the duct tape adhesive. If you are Just make some up with medical tape instead. When you are out of danger/ back to civilization go see a medical professional to treat it right. First it should be noted that duct tape makes a…
Home Made Prepper/ Homesteader Glue

This would be good on the farm or homestead. This is casein glue like the white glue we all use in school ( kind of) 1. Add vinegar to lukewarm skimmed milk so it curdles. 2. Drain the liquid component off from the solids. 3. Put solids onto a strainer to drain off excess liquid 4. In a bowl, add a base (such as sodium bicarbonate, ammonia or washing…