How to live stream YouTube or Ustream from a raspberry pi. I will put a link to the Image file when I get it set up on my website. Just type the commands below. I did this all in PuTTY using SSH. So what we need to do is cross compile FFMPEG for the Raspberry Pi. ( I will just put a Image on my website for people to…
This section is about communications.
Tap/Knock code communication

I saw this on the net today and I think it’s a great idea. Personally I use Morse code, But this limits me in two ways. 1. I need a electronic medium to transmit over great distances. 2. The person receiving the message needs to know Morse code. With his you could easily use a light or any noise maker. Here is the Wikipedia page on it. Here is…
Baofeng Radio TNC Packet Radio cable

I hade to make the Baofeng radio to TNC /Sound Card cable because the Baofeng is designed to key up the radio when the Grounds of the Speaker and microphone are shorted. This presented a problem when using a USB sound card for a interface. the universal ground what shorting the two leads. so we need to make a ground loop isolator and set the radio to VOX. not…
Homebrew Temporary lightning arrestor

In the past I have just used spark plugs too. How it works: Once the air has ionized, it becomes a conductor. And the dielectric breakdown of the air makes it a conductor and will pass the static charge/lightning strike to ground. Its kind of a one shot deal and it’s better than nothing. Its mostly for the static build up on the wire in the storm. Sharpened…
How to Solder copper wire to aluminum foil.

How to Solder copper wire to aluminum foil. I will be making some disposable variable capacitors later today for some magnetic loop antennas. This is also a useful technique to solder copper braid to an antenna. I think you can use any oil. the important thing to remember is keeping Oxygen form the foil. You don’t want it to oxidize before you get the solder down.
SHTF Survivalist Radio Frequency Lists

I have seen a lost of copies of a list like this over the years. However I think this is the best one with all the other channels. I want to make a personal note here: Its important to get your ham license before the S.H.T.F. Its very unlikely you will be able to use ham equipment with out the proper knowledge or experience to deal with RFI or Propagation….
Emergency Ham Radio Station

It’s indoor and stealth good for getting info when the power is out or a natural disaster has happened. Stealth Antenna is good when you can’t set one up outside.