I wanted a sharp powder coated Stainless Steel Blade that I would not lose sleep over if I lost it. http://amzn.to/2kKWJni Black Blade Morakniv Companion Fixed Blade Outdoor Knife with Sandvik Stainless Steel Blade, 4.1-Inch
Thermos cooking In a Ozark Trail Vacuum Insulated Stainless Steel tumbler

My Goal is to make a food heater/ crock pot of of one of these fro my camping/hunting truck. So this is more just a proof of concept. You really should have the spill proof lid if you are going to thermos cook. This is the big Stanley one I have been using. http://amzn.to/2h2qaTM
How to Solder copper wire to aluminum foil.

How to Solder copper wire to aluminum foil. I will be making some disposable variable capacitors later today for some magnetic loop antennas. This is also a useful technique to solder copper braid to an antenna. I think you can use any oil. the important thing to remember is keeping Oxygen form the foil. You don’t want it to oxidize before you get the solder down.