Compact Nondescript EDC

I confess, I am an EDC voyeur and enjoy seeing what others put in their kits. I recently watched a YouTube video posted by DiscreetPrepper on the H2O To Go EDC Survival System: H2O To Go EDC Survival System video

This kit packs all the survival essentials into an expanded MOLLE water bottle bag that weighs less than 4 lbs when the water bottle is full. It comes with a strap made of 40 feet of paracord. It would make a nice gift for a teen going away to college this fall, a kit for your vehicle or a compact hiking kit.

H2o to go

The price is $120 and it is sold on eBay. That’s not a bad price when you consider the contents:

  • Water: Water in stainless steel bottle, 4 water purification tablets, water filter straw & 1 quart zip lock bag
  • Shelter: Emergency blanket and rain poncho
  • Fire: Lighter, fire striker, large & small magnifying glass, lighter, fire striker & small magnifier glass, 4 treated and compressed cotton wads, 2 instant fire which ignites on water or snow, petroleum jelly, hand gel, & 2 ranger bands
  • First Aid: Medic kit: 4 Band-Aids, 4 gauze pads, anti-bacterial ointment, petroleum jelly, spool of thread, 2 needles, hand gel, duct tape and 4 safety pins
  • Food Procurement: Fishing kit (4 hooks, 100 yards line, 4 lures, 4 weights & bobber), sling shot & stainless steel nesting cup
  • Light: 2 flashlights with 2 extra batteries
  • Signaling: 2 whistles
  • Navigation: Button compass
  • Cordage: 40 feet of 550 cord hand-braided into strap for the bag
  • Misc.: Stanley multi-tool (pliers, wire cutters, knife, saw, file, screw driver), pocket multi-tool card, handkerchief, thermometer, 6 wet wipes, bug spray, tins to hold gear & 4 black wire ties

For more information, click on this link for the  Discrete Prepper website

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