I hade to make the Baofeng radio to TNC /Sound Card cable because the Baofeng is designed to key up the radio when the Grounds of the Speaker and microphone are shorted. This presented a problem when using a USB sound card for a interface. the universal ground what shorting the two leads. so we need to make a ground loop isolator and set the radio to VOX. not…
Amateur Radio (Hobby)
How to Solder copper wire to aluminum foil.

How to Solder copper wire to aluminum foil. I will be making some disposable variable capacitors later today for some magnetic loop antennas. This is also a useful technique to solder copper braid to an antenna. I think you can use any oil. the important thing to remember is keeping Oxygen form the foil. You don’t want it to oxidize before you get the solder down.
Emergency Ham Radio Station

It’s indoor and stealth good for getting info when the power is out or a natural disaster has happened. Stealth Antenna is good when you can’t set one up outside.