I set up a Patreon account

North Carolina Preppers Patreon       As you may already know, I create educational and entertaining prepping and survival videos on many projects and subjects. I am hoping to help other avoid the pitfalls and mistakes I have made in the past. I am not doing to the make money. I will use the patron funds to pay for my website, props and materials used in my videos. In…


Tap/Knock code communication

I saw this on the net today and I think it’s a great idea. Personally I use Morse code, But this limits me in two ways. 1. I need a electronic medium to transmit over great distances. 2. The person receiving the message needs to know Morse code. With his you could easily use a light or any noise maker. Here is the Wikipedia page on it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tap_code Here is…


Home Made Prepper/ Homesteader Glue

This would be good on the farm or homestead.   This is casein glue like the white glue we all use in school ( kind of) 1. Add vinegar to lukewarm skimmed milk so it curdles. 2. Drain the liquid component off from the solids. 3. Put solids onto a strainer to drain off excess liquid 4. In a bowl, add a base (such as sodium bicarbonate, ammonia or washing…


OTC Lidocaine topical medication

  This is news to me, I did not know you could still buy it over the counter. I will be carrying some when every i’m out doors in my First Aid kit. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Disclamer: I am not healthcare practitioner or provider. To the extent that any information is provided through this video, it is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute or substitute for medical…


Crock-Pot Fermenting Yogurt From Probiotic Capsules

Crock-Pot Fermenting Yogurt From Probiotic Capsules   Back when I was having my teeth done. The dentist had me on clindamycin. I made sure to take probiotics during for 2 months after treatment. So my gut would be colonized with the right kind of bacteria to knock down the chance of me getting C-Diff. Now I store probiotics with all my meds both live cultures and the other kind. I…