This works well. Tarp-Tying Tips If you have a tarp or space blanket, using rocks in the corners to tie into knots will make a much more stable shelter than will just weighing down the corners.
Crock-Pot Fermenting Yogurt From Probiotic Capsules
Crock-Pot Fermenting Yogurt From Probiotic Capsules Back when I was having my teeth done. The dentist had me on clindamycin. I made sure to take probiotics during for 2 months after treatment. So my gut would be colonized with the right kind of bacteria to knock down the chance of me getting C-Diff. Now I store probiotics with all my meds both live cultures and the other kind. I…
Using a watch to find directions.
Everybody should know this simple trick. I don’t see why you could not use a digital watch and estimate the hands.
I’m Coming to your place if something happens Published on Aug 12, 2012 I’m Coming to your place if something happens. Here is my thoughts and a solution. I made this video back in 2012 the things that upsets peppers most I’m Coming to your place if something happens. This is and was my thoughts on it to this date i still think this way. With one exception is the reffegee bags i have made. I…
How to make bread from wood ( sawdust? )
How to make bread from wood there was a time in our nation’s history when times were so difficult that people were advised on how they could use wood in place of flour to bake their bread. This actual procedure was first shared through The Emigrant’s Handbook (1848). (* See note 1 and 2 below) 1. Chop fresh (green) beech tree wood into shaving sized pieces. You may substitute other turpentine…
DIY Disposable French Press
This my DIY version coffee brewer is a single-brew French press. all you need to do is: open, pour 1 cup hot water into the pouch, and let it brew 2-4 minutes. This is great for leave no trace camping or backpacking. Or you can just buy them pre made. At My amazon store is here I will not cost you anything to use the link but it…